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Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Wart Remover

Dr Karen Martin
Reviewed by Dr Karen MartinReviewed on 10.10.2024 | 3 minutes read

Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away is an application treatment for verrucas and warts. These conditions are prevalent, especially in children, and fortunately, are not harmful. They can usually resolve independently without treatment, but certain products can speed up this process. The ingredients in the spray work by gently freezing the affected skin tissue, helping to eliminate the virus and excessive skin and can work within one application.

Who is it for?

Dr. Scholl's freeze spray is suitable for adults and children over four years. It is to be used only on the sole of the hands and feet to treat verrucas and warts. Children under 12 should be treated under adult supervision. It should not be used by anyone under the age of 4, even with supervision.

The difference when choosing between a gel treatment and a freeze treatment is that a freeze treatment is more suitable if the area is protruding and more easily targeted.

The gel treatment is ideal if the site is less protruding and follows the normal skin shape. If you are unsure if you have any of these, have a picture ready and speak to your doctor or pharmacist.

How is it applied?

  • Start by attaching an applicator bud to the white plastic cap.
  • After that, place the can upright on a covered solid surface.
  • Keep the can away from your face or body. Place the lid on the can.
  • The selected bud should sit in the clear plastic on the side of the can.
  • With the can still sitting on the surface, press the cap firmly down for 5 seconds.
  • Remove the cap from the can with the applicator bud still attached.

Avoid contact with your skin and or face. Keeping the applicator bud pointing straight down, lightly place the tip on the center of the verruca or wart for 30-40 seconds. Wait 15 seconds, holding the bud pointing downwards, before applying. Discard the foam applicator after a single use.

Do not treat the same verruca or wart more than four times. If it is not cleared within four attempts you may need to go to your doctor for stronger treatment. Also discontinue if irritation occurs.

How does it work?

Dr. Scholl's freeze spray creates an extremely cold temperature which destroys the infected tissue. It destroys the targeted area by forming ice formations leading to dehydration. It also kills the area by stopping the blood supply to the site. After application, the wart usually falls off after 10-14 days.

It is not suitable for corns and calluses. Have a read through our article if you are unsure if you have a corn or callus.

Should anyone not use it?

It should not be used on any areas except the hands or the feet. It should be avoided by diabetics or individuals with impaired peripheral blood circulation. It should not be used by anyone under the age of 4, even with supervision. Avoid use on moles, birthmarks, hairy warts or other skin lesions. Also, it should not be applied to the same area for more than four applications. If after treatment four times and the wart or verruca is still there, it may need professional removal. Some of the ingredients can cause an allergic reaction. It should also be avoided if you are allergic to any ingredients.

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Dr Karen Martin
Reviewed by Dr Karen Martin
Reviewed on 10.10.2024
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