Zaid Al-Qaimi

Zaid Al-Qaimi

Chief Investment Officer

Zaid Al-Qaimi is the Chief Investment Officer at Healthwords. He has successfully established a global network of contacts across the investment ecosystem, which has helped Healthwords secure access to premium partners.

Prior to this, Zaid worked at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) for 16 years, covering private equities, public equities and strategic investments. Before joining ADIA, he spent over a decade in management consultancy, audit and accountancy, including five years with PwC. Since 2013, Zaid has been an active angel investor in start-ups both in the US and UK and is also a partner in Calibrate Management (an FCA regulated London-based VC fund). As well as holding CFA®, FRM®and FCCA®designations, Zaid received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK.

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