Earwax forms naturally inside your ears and acts as a defence barrier, protecting the ears from harmful substances and bacteria. It usually moves out of the ears gradually by the action of chewing and is harmless. However, sometimes it can build up and block the ears.
Everywhere you look, people have their earbuds in – chatting on the phone, listening to music, working from a cafe with others around. The hours you’re wearing your air pods can stack up, and that could be causing damage by preventing essential airflow around the ear canals. Ear wax: no one really wants to talk about it, but it’s a major part of the amazing self-cleaning function of our ears. But it can build up and dampen your hearing. As doctors, we are used to seeing this in the older generation, but recently there’s been a spate of those in their teens and 20s presenting with completely blocked ears. It seems that earbuds are to blame.