Journey so far ...

Caidr 1.0

In 2016, the team released Caidr: Clinova's AI doctor. Caidr 1.0 featured a symptom checker designed to give users trusted health and wellness information for smart self-care. Other key features included product recommendations and a section devoted to safe personal health resources.

Caidr 1.0

Caidr 2.0

In 2020, Caidr 2.0 was released. This update featured a revamped user interface, as well as video content of health and wellness information at the end of user journeys. In response to the global outbreak of Covid-19, Caidr 2.0 contained a suite of pandemic-specific advice and content resources. Other key features included an expanded content library and a new image-based interface devoted to effective self-care for dermatology symptoms.

Caidr 2.0

Caidr 3.0

With Caidr Search as its main offering, Caidr 3.0 was released in 2021. Caidr 3.0 brought the new capabilities of Caidr's content platform to mobile devices. With a novel architecture designed by a medical team of pharmacists and doctors with more than 250 years of combined experience in patient interactions, Caidr's natural language content processor allows dynamic, systems-wide updates to more than 374,000 words of content in under 0.5 seconds.

Caidr 3.0

Caidr 4.0

In 2022, Clinova announced the release of Caidr 4.0, a web platform for Caidr Search. Using a medical lexicon of more than 97,000 medical terms spanning 9 medical specialties, Caidr's natural language processor creates customised feeds of trusted health content.

Caidr 4.0

In 2023, unveiled a new feature for users: conversational Al. With an Al personal assistant trained on' self-care advice, users can not utilise state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to explore their health and wellness.