

Panic Attacks: What are They and What Can Help?

Panic Attacks: What are They and What Can Help?

Panic attacks are actually quite common with around 1 in 10 people experiencing them. They can be a scary experience. Here at Healthwords we believe that knowledge is power, so understanding more about these panic attacks and how to tackle them can hopefully help. We’ll explain when it’s time to see your doctor and what treatment paths are out there.

Chest Pain: Causes & When to Seek Medical Help

Chest Pain: Causes & When to Seek Medical Help

Chest pain is a broad term, and feels very different depending on the cause. Most chest pain is not anything serious, but cause for concern depends on your particular symptoms, your age and any other medical problems or risk factors you might have for heart problems. Chest pain can be a sign of something serious and life-threatening, such as a heart attack. If there are any concerns, you should seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms can vary from short, sharp jabs, to dull and persistent aches. People are usually very specific about how it feels, and other descriptive terms include feeling heavy, tight, burning, crushing or searing. It can come on quickly or gradually. It can be fleeting for seconds to minutes, or last several hours. It can occur while walking or exercising, lying down or when sitting doing nothing, and you might notice other symptoms alongside, like a cough, sweating, feeling sick or feeling the heart beating fast or hard. All of these specifics help us doctors to determine which part of the body is causing the pain and what the underlying problem is. Let’s talk you through the causes, depending on which part of the body is involved, and also, importantly, when you should worry.
