Mental Health


Panic Attacks: What are They and What Can Help?

Panic Attacks: What are They and What Can Help?

Panic attacks are actually quite common with around 1 in 10 people experiencing them. They can be a scary experience. Here at Healthwords we believe that knowledge is power, so understanding more about these panic attacks and how to tackle them can hopefully help. We’ll explain when it’s time to see your doctor and what treatment paths are out there.

Hair Loss Due to Stress: Symptoms & Treatments

Hair Loss Due to Stress: Symptoms & Treatments

Stress is an important and often overlooked cause of hair loss. Everyone sheds hairs on a daily basis as part of a normal hair growth cycle, but at certain times in people's lives, the rate of hair loss can pick up momentum, becoming more noticeable. Stress-induced hair loss is common and may result in hair loss from a certain area of the head or from all over the head. It can happen in both men and women of any age. The good news is that once the stressful event has passed, or you have recovered from a significant illness that caused physical stress, or even from pregnancy, hair will usually grow back.

Failure to Thrive: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Failure to Thrive: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Failure to thrive describes when a child is not growing or developing as they should. It is commonly diagnosed in babies and toddlers, when they haven’t met the height or weight we would expect for their age, compared to the national average. It’s more of a symptom than a condition, and requires a bit of investigation to work out what the underlying reason might be.
