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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger HendersonReviewed on 29.04.2024 | 3 minutes read

Enterosgel is a product used to treat the symptoms of diarrhoea. It can be used for short-term (acute) diarrhoea and long-term (chronic) irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diarrhoea. It also helps to relieve any associated bloating and stomach pain. Enterosgel is suitable for most people, including children over the age of one and women that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How does it work?

Enterosgel is not a medication. It is actually classed as a medical device and is made up of water and an organic mineral (called polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate). It works by binding to bacterial toxins and other harmful substances in the gut that are responsible for your diarrhoea symptoms, or symptoms associated with a bout of food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Enterosgel is then removed from your body in your stool along with the harmful substances that were causing your diarrhoea. It is not absorbed into your body.

Despite not being a medication, Enterosgel is considered to be an effective treatment and has lots of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

How do I take it?

Enterosgel is to be taken orally after mixing it with water. The liquid formed is tolerable and easy to drink. You should take it two hours before or after a meal and any oral medications you may be taking. The dosage you should take depends on your age. This is detailed below, but check the packaging for the product you have to ensure you use the right quantities.

Children aged one to six can have 5g (about one teaspoon) mixed with 50ml to 100ml of water three times a day. Children aged seven to fourteen can have 10g (about two teaspoons) mixed with 50ml to 100ml of water three times a day. Adults and children aged fifteen and above can have 15g to 22.5g (about one tablespoon) mixed with 200ml of water three times a day. Make sure you shake the tube before and after each use.

Should anyone avoid it?

Do not take the product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in it. Do not take Enterosgel if you are currently taking an oral modified-release medication, as Enterosgel can interfere with it. Also, avoid Enterosgel if you have an intestinal blockage or intestinal atony (severe constipation due to an obstructed bowel).

Enterosgel is not suitable for children under one, and you should speak with your doctor before giving it to a child aged three or under.

Are there any side effects?

Generally, most people that take Enterosgel do not experience any side effects. In rare cases, some people may experience constipation and/or nausea. As Enterosgel is not absorbed into your bloodstream from your gut, it does not cause any systemic side effects. These are side effects that occur in the rest of your body away from the local site of action, which in this case is your gastrointestinal system.

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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger Henderson
Reviewed on 29.04.2024