We have all been told sleep is important, but did you realise to what extent? Here are some shocking facts about sleep that may make you want to dive right into bed and get those recommended 7-9 hours!
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Sleep quality and quantity are more important for good health and weight loss than diet and exercise. This is because sleep impacts hormone levels including those linked to appetite, brain function, and exercise ability.
Whilst we sleep we consolidate information into our memory so getting good quality sleep can improve our memory and our ability to learn. Without sleep, we would be unable to maintain or form new memories.
The percentage of people who can survive on 6 hours of sleep or less without impairment to their daily functioning is estimated to be less than 1 in 20 people, so it is more likely that you are not the next Margaret Thatcher. Most people need around 8 hours. Studies have also shown sleep deprivation can give you as much impairment to your brain function as being legally drunk. This can be after around 17 hours without any sleep or if you sleep less than 6 hours for 10 days in a row. It is also similar to alcohol in that the more sleep-deprived you become the less you will be aware that your brain functioning has been affected.
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