Otex Express ear drops can be purchased over the counter to soften and remove built-up earwax. The ear is self-cleaning, and the wax should naturally clear itself if it is soft enough. However, occasionally there can be a build-up that can't be removed. If the wax is noticed on the outer ear, a wipe with a clean flannel may be all that is needed. The clinically proven Otex express ear drops are formulated to break down and disperse hardened ear wax, allowing it to naturally run out of the ear. The antiseptic active ingredient urea hydrogen peroxide works by reacting with the air to soften the hard wax and help disperse it. Often it will come with a dropper for a more straightforward application.
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Ear wax removal is a different method for removing excess ear wax, which requires a professional. It is the quickest and most effective way to remove all excess and hard ear wax. However, you may notice temporary changes to your ears – especially if the resin has been building up for some time. It is recommended if you have tried other ear wax removal forms and had minimal results. There are two fundamental types; micro-suction and irrigation. The former is newer and less invasive, whereas syringing is quicker but can often cause discomfort. Your practitioner may recommend olive oil drops before your ear wax removal appointment to soften the ear wax.
It is for people with a build-up of wax in their ears. It is often noticed by reduced hearing or visual inspection. This can just naturally occur due to having more wax in their ears. If you have hairy or narrow ear canals, this can more likely cause a build-up of wax.
Similarly, hearing aids, earplugs and other things can push earwax down, causing it to become stuck and cause a blockage and build-up. This is one of the reasons cotton buds should not be used, as they disrupt the ear's normal process of getting wax out of the ear canal.
You can follow these simple steps to use your Otex Express ear drops:
This can be done twice daily for up to 7 days if needed.
Don't use Otex Express ear drops if you have a ruptured eardrum, which can cause distorted hearing and pain inside the ear.
If your main symptom is pain or fever, then you may have an infection and will need your doctor to take a look. Symptoms of jaw pain, ringing in the ear, or feeling of pressure and fullness would be worth a chat with your doctor to help exclude other possible causes.
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